Status: Resolved
Resolution: Invalid
4.7.2 solr , windows 7 and java version is 1.7.0_25
link for stackoverflow as well
When a csv file is uploaded over curl command as below
C:\>curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/update/csv?commit=true&stream.file=C:\dev\tools\solr-4.7.2\data.txt&stream.contentType=text/csv&header=false&fieldnames=id,cat,pubyear_i,title,author,
and data.txt content is as below
book1,fantasy,2000,A Storm of Swords,George R.R. Martin,A Song of Ice and Fire,3
book2,fantasy,2005,A Feast for Crows,George R.R. Martin,A Song of Ice and Fire,4
book3,fantasy,2011,A Dance with Dragons,George R.R. Martin,A Song of Ice and Fire,5
book4,sci-fi,1987,Consider Phlebas,Iain M. Banks,The Culture,1
book5,sci-fi,1988,The Player of Games,Iain M. Banks,The Culture,2
book6,sci-fi,1990,Use of Weapons,Iain M. Banks,The Culture,3
book7,fantasy,1984,Shadows Linger,Glen Cook,The Black Company,2
book8,fantasy,1984,The White Rose,Glen Cook,The Black Company,3
book9,fantasy,1989,Shadow Games,Glen Cook,The Black Company,4
book10,sci-fi,2001,Gridlinked,Neal Asher,Ian Cormac,1
book11,sci-fi,2003,The Line of Polity,Neal Asher,Ian Cormac,2
book12,sci-fi,2005,Brass Man,Neal Asher,Ian Cormac,3
first data in data.txt file is not being inserted to Solr which its id is "book1". Can someone please tell why?
Solr logs already tells that book1 is being added.
15440876 [searcherExecutor-5-thread-1] INFO org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore û [collection1] Registered new searcher Searcher@177fcdf1[collection1] main
{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_1g:124:nrt _z(4.7):C12)}15440877 [qtp84034882-11] INFO org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor û [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update params=
{fieldnames=id,cat,pubyear_i,title,author,series_s,sequence_i&skipLines=0&commit=true&stream.con tentType=text/csv&header=false&stream.file=C:\dev\tools\solr-4.7.2\data.txt}{add=[?book1 (1480070032327180288), book2 (1480070032332423168), book3 (1480070032335568896), book4 (1480070032337666048), book5 (1480070032339763200), b ook6 (1480070032341860352), book7 (1480070032343957504), book8 (1480070032347103232), book9 (1480070032349200384), book10 (1480070032351297536), ... (12 adds)],commit=}
0 92
If I ask for all data then below you can also see book1 is still missing
"sort":"pubyear_i desc",