Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
OS X 10.9.3 Apache Tomcat 7.0.41
Debian Apache Tomcat 7
The distributed request logic for faceting (which has to clone&modify requests to individual shards for dealing with things like facet.mincount, facet.sort, facet.limit, & facet.offset so that the distributed aggregation is correct) doesn't properly take into account localparams contained in each of the facet params and how they should affect the initial shard requests and the subsequent refinement requests.
When a distributed search contains multiselect faceting the per-field faceting options are not honored for alternate selections of the field. For example with a query like:
facet.field=blah&facet.field={!key myblah facet.offset=10}blah&f.blah.facet.offset=20
The returned facet results for both blah and myblah will use an offset of 20 as opposed to a standard search returning myblah with an offset of 10.