Status: Closed
Resolution: Not A Problem
I am runnig cron job for indexing and commiting documents for solr search. Earlier everything was fine. But from some time it is deleting indexes from index folder. Whenever I update any document or create any new document, it gets indexed and commited and appear in search but after some hour later when i search for the same document it gets disappear from the search and when i cheked index folder size then noticed that it gets reduced to its original size that was before updating the document.
Devlog shows a delete query gets fired automatically by _cli_scheduler.
Query is:
<delete fromPending="true" fromCommitted="true"><query>(endtime:[* TO NOW] AND -endtime:"1970-01-01T01:00:00Z")</query></delete>
Could anyone please let me know why it is deleting only newly created indexes not the old indexes. Old indexes appear in search.
How can i stop this deletion process.
Although I checked for deletion policy also but in my solrsonfig.xml it is commented.
My solr was running fine on production but now it is creating above mentioned issue. So urgent help require.