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  1. Solr
  2. SOLR-5027

Field Collapsing PostFilter

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    • New Feature
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 6.0
    • 4.6, 6.0
    • search
    • None


      This ticket introduces the CollapsingQParserPlugin

      The CollapsingQParserPlugin is a PostFilter that performs field collapsing. This is a high performance alternative to standard Solr field collapsing (with ngroups) when the number of distinct groups in the result set is high.

      For example in one performance test, a search with 10 million full results and 1 million collapsed groups:
      Standard grouping with ngroups : 17 seconds.
      CollapsingQParserPlugin: 300 milli-seconds.

      Sample syntax:

      Collapse based on the highest scoring document:

      fq=(!collapse field=<field_name>}

      Collapse based on the min value of a numeric field:

      fq={!collapse field=<field_name> min=<field_name>}

      Collapse based on the max value of a numeric field:

      fq={!collapse field=<field_name> max=<field_name>}

      Collapse with a null policy:

      fq={!collapse field=<field_name> nullPolicy=<null_policy>}

      There are three null policies:
      ignore : removes docs with a null value in the collapse field (default).
      expand : treats each doc with a null value in the collapse field as a separate group.
      collapse : collapses all docs with a null value into a single group using either highest score, or min/max.

      The CollapsingQParserPlugin also fully supports the QueryElevationComponent

      Note: The July 16 patch also includes and ExpandComponent that expands the collapsed groups for the current search result page. This functionality will be moved to it's own ticket.


        1. SOLR-5027.patch
          61 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        2. SOLR-5027.patch
          60 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        3. SOLR-5027.patch
          60 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        4. SOLR-5027.patch
          37 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        5. SOLR-5027.patch
          31 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        6. SOLR-5027.patch
          27 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        7. SOLR-5027.patch
          26 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        8. SOLR-5027.patch
          13 kB
          Joel Bernstein
        9. SOLR-5027.patch
          10 kB
          Joel Bernstein

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            jbernste Joel Bernstein
            jbernste Joel Bernstein
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