Currently in SolrCloud 4.1, a CREATE call to the Collection API will cause the server receiving the CREATE call to become the leader of all shards.
I would like to ask for the ability for the CREATE call to evenly distribute the leader role across all instances, ie: if I create 3 shards over 3 SOLR 4.1 instances, each instance/node would only be the leader of 1 shard.
This would be logically consistent with the way replicas are randomly distributed by this same call across instances/nodes.
Currently, this CREATE call will cause the server receiving the call to become the leader of 3 shards.
curl -v 'http://<HOST>:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=test&numShards=3&replicationFactor=2&maxShardsPerNode=2'
PS: Thank you SOLR developers for your contributions!
Tim Vaillancourt