New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
I'm now finishing a SOLR project for one of my customers (replacing Microsoft FAST server with SOLR) and got the permission to contribute our improvements.
The most interesting thing is a "FrequentSearchTerm" component which allows to analyze the user-supplied search queries in real-time
- it keeps track of the last queries per core using a LIFO buffer (so we have an upper limit of memory consumption)
- per query entry we keep track of the number of invocations, the average number of result document and the average execution time
- we allow for custom searches across the frequent search terms using the MVEL expression language (see
- find all queries which did not yield any results - 'meanHits==0'
- find all "iPhone" queries - "searchTerm.contains("iphone) || searchTerm.contains("i-phone)''
- find all long-running "iPhone" queries - '(searchTerm.contains("iphone) || searchTerm.contains("i-phone)) && meanTime>50'
- GUI : we have a JSP page which allows to access the frequent search terms
- there is also an XML/CSV export we use to display the 50 most frequently used search queries in real-time
We use this component
- to get input for QA regarding frequently used search terms
- to find strange queries, e.g. queries returning no or too many result, e.g. caused by WordDelimeterFilter
- to keep our management happy ...
Not sure if the name "Frequent Search Term Component" is perfectly suitable as it was taken from FAST - suggestions welcome. Maybe "FrequentSearchQueryComponent" would be more suitable?