As a newcomer following the Solr Reference Guide,
I want to be able to run an example using `solr start -e $EXAMPLE -c`, mess around, stop solr and then rerun the example from scratch again using the initial command.
Reproduction instructions
- Checkout apache/solr commit `16d57e935499a5c3163a224f1e7e55a1091e029a`
- Build it with `./gradlew dev`
- Run `solr/packaging/build/dev/bin/solr start -e films -c` to start the films example in cloud mode.
- Stop solr with `solr/packaging/build/dev/bin/solr stop -all`.
- Try to rerun the same example with `solr/packaging/build/dev/bin/solr start -e films -c`
- You end up with error message
WARNING: Collection 'films' already exists!
Checked collection existence using Collections API
Remove the `solr` directory in the example directory before rerunning the example with `rm -r solr/packaging/build/dev/example/films/solr`.
Issue Links
- relates to
SOLR-16757 Umbrella Ticket for Revamping Solr CLI's for the Future
- Open
- links to