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  1. Solr
  2. SOLR-13658

Precommit fail Java "var" until 9x. Fail "var...<>" constructs entirely

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    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 8.2, 9.0
    • 8.3
    • None
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      Personally, I'm strongly against allowing the "var" construct in Lucene/Solr code. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to introduce bugs that won't be found until runtime as well as making maintainence significantly harder. I don't even think for a project like Solr it would save any time overall...

      So let's discuss this ahead of time and see if we can reach a consensus. I'll start the discussion off:

      My baseline argument is that for a large complex project, especially ones with many different people coding, I want the compiler to give me all the help possible. And the "var" construct takes away some of that help.

      I’ve seen this argument go around at least 4 times in my career. The argument that “it takes longer to write if you have to type all this stuff” is bogus. Last I knew, 80% of the time spent is in maintaining/reading it. So the argument “I can write faster” means I can save some fraction of the 20% of the time writing the original code but spend many times that figuring out what the code is actually doing the other 80% of the time.

      The IDE makes writing this slightly faster, admittedly.

      Whatever what = new Whatever();
      var kidding = what.getComplex();
      var blivet = kidding.get("stuff");

      But once that’s done, if I’m reading the code again I don't have any clue what

      kidding or blivet

      are. Here's the signature for getComplex:

      Map<String, Map<Integer, Integer>> getComplex()

      I have to go over to the definition (which I admit is easier than it used to be in the bad old days, but still) to find out.


      The above I could probably live with, maybe we could get the InteliJ developers and see if they can make hover show the inference. What I will kick and scream about is introducing bugs that are not found until runtime. Even this obvious stupidity fails with a ClassCastException:

      var corny = new TreeMap<String, String>();
      corny.put("one", "two");

      But it's much worse when using classes from somewhere else. For instance, change the underlying class in the first example to return

      Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>

      This code that used to work now throws an error, but it compiles.

      var kidding = what.getComplex();
      var blivet = kidding.get("stuff");
      var blah = kidding.get("stuff").get(1); //  generates ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer

      So in order to save some time writing (that I claim will be lost multiple times over when maintaining the code) we'll introduce run-time errors that will take a bunch more time to figure out, and won’t be found during unit tests unless and until we have complete code coverage.

      If there's a way to insure that this kind of thing can't get into the code and we implement that, I could be persuaded, but let's make that an explicit requirement (and find a suitable task for the build system, precommit or whatever).

      The floor is open...


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            erickerickson Erick Erickson
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