New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Streaming Expressions and Math Expressions are now mature on the query side. This includes the ability to query, transform, analyze and visualize data.
It's now time to build the data loading and log parsing capabilities to apply the full suite of mathematics and visualizations over log data and CSV files.
The design is to have stream sources that read from a file system and stream decorators that parse different file and log formats. The data can be further transformed and joined with other data by stream decorators and sent to any Solr Cloud collection with the update Stream.
This design also allows Streaming Expressions to perform regex filtering, aggregations, statistical analysis and visualization directly over CSV files and log files before the data is loaded to Solr. Because of Streaming Expressions built in paralyzation capabilities this allows Solr Cloud to behave like a massively parallel grep engine.
It also allows users to visualize data using Apache Zeppelin as part of loading process, to make it easier to understand the data before it's loaded into an index.
This ticket will track the sub-tickets for the different log formats that will be supported.
Issue Links
- relates to
SOLR-13623 Add SyslogStream Streaming Expression
- Open
SOLR-13624 Add CommonLogStream Streaming Expression
- Open
SOLR-13622 Add FileStream Streaming Expression
- Resolved
SOLR-13625 Add CsvStream, TsvStream Streaming Expressions and supporting Stream Evaluators
- Resolved
SOLR-13644 Add dateFormat Stream Evaluator
- Resolved
SOLR-13667 Add upper, lower, trim and split Stream Evaluators
- Resolved
SOLR-13635 Add SolrLogStream Streaming Expression
- Open
SOLR-13636 Add CommonEventFormatStream (CEF) Streaming Expression
- Open