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  1. ServiceMix Components
  2. SMXCOMP-192

Excessive console output from cxfbc tests



    • Patch Available


      The servicemix cxf binding component tests print a LOT of output to the console. This slows down the test build/run significantly. Besides from the excessive amount of output to the console being not very helpful (because of the quantity), the build slow-down can actually cause test failures. Trying to debug a CxfBcRMSequenceTest on aix which passed when launched via mvn on the command line, but failed when launched from a TeamCity build, it seems that the excessive logging which was then also pushed from the TeamCity buildagent to the TeamCity server as the build progressed, caused the individual test cases in the CxfBcRmSequenceTest to take any where from 2 to 12 minutes to complete each. Because of the extra time, many of the tests failed as timeouts caused messages to be resent and duplicate messages were detected.

      I've attached a patch which modifies the logging configuration to log much less output to the console when run with the ibm jdk. (This was the platform on which the excessive logging seemed to cause the most slow down - to the point were there were test failures). The pom can very easily be modified though to log less to the console on all other platforms if so desired.




            ffang Freeman Yue Fang
            peterjones Peter Jones
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