The current surefire plugin we use in the parent pom does not work with Java 11, I guesss in general it makes sense to update all plugins to the latest. THis is the list:
[INFO] maven-compiler-plugin .............................. 3.7.0 -> 3.8.0
[INFO] maven-dependency-plugin ............................ 3.0.2 -> 3.1.1
[INFO] maven-deploy-plugin ............................. 2.8.2 -> 3.0.0-M1
[INFO] maven-enforcer-plugin ........................ 3.0.0-M1 -> 3.0.0-M2
[INFO] maven-failsafe-plugin .......................... 2.20.1 -> 3.0.0-M3
[INFO] maven-jar-plugin ................................... 3.0.2 -> 3.1.1
[INFO] maven-javadoc-plugin ............................... 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1
[INFO] maven-surefire-plugin .......................... 2.20.1 -> 3.0.0-M3
[INFO] maven-surefire-report-plugin ................... 2.20.1 -> 3.0.0-M3
[INFO] maven-war-plugin ................................... 3.2.0 -> 3.2.2
[INFO] .......... 1.7.16 -> 1.8.2
[INFO] org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin ............. 1.6.6 -> 1.7.2
[INFO] org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-maven-plugin ........ 1.16 -> 1.17
[INFO] org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin ..................... 0.7.9 -> 0.8.3
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SLING-8728 Make sure Sling modules can be built with Java 8, Java 11 and the latest release
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