Iterates over child resources and injects a map with entries <childResourceName, childResource.adaptTo(Target.class)>
@Model(adptable=Resource.class) public class MyModel { @Inject @Source("adaptable-child-resources-map") protected Map<String, MyAdaptable> childResources; }
Quick write up:
/** * AdaptableChildResourcesMapInjector ... injects child resources into a map.put(, resource.adaptTo(type)) * * <h2>Usage</h2> * <code>protected Map<String, MyAdaptable> injectableMemberField;</code> */ @Component @Service @Property(name = Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, intValue = 9999) public class AdaptableChildResourcesMapInjector implements Injector{ @Override public String getName() { return "adaptable-child-resources-map"; } @Override public Object getValue(Object adaptable, String name, Type declaredType, AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry disposalCallbackRegistry) { Resource res = resourceFromAdaptable(adaptable); Class<?> targetType = declaredMapWithValueType(declaredType); if ((res != null) && (targetType != null)) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Iterator<Resource> iter = res.listChildren(); while ((iter != null) && iter.hasNext()) { Resource next =; result.put(next.getName(), next.adaptTo(targetType)); } return result; } return null; } private Resource resourceFromAdaptable(Object adaptable) { if (adaptable instanceof Resource) { return (Resource) adaptable; } else if (adaptable instanceof Adaptable) { return ((Adaptable) adaptable).adaptTo(Resource.class); } return null; } // Checks if <code>declaredType</code> is a Map<String, {declaredType}> ... returns {declaredType} or 'null' protected Class<?> declaredMapWithValueType(Type declaredType) { if (declaredType instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) declaredType; Class<?> rawType = (Class<?>) type.getRawType(); Type[] typeArguments = type.getActualTypeArguments(); if (rawType.equals(Map.class) && (typeArguments.length == 2) && typeArguments[0].equals(String.class)) { // returns the V from Map<K, V> return (Class<?>) typeArguments[1]; } } return null; } }