Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Extensions OpenID Authentication 0.9.0
Jackrabbit 1.6.2's standard repository login accepted any implementation of Credentials. This let Sling authentication plugins define their own Credentials classes, and the OpenID Authentication extension creates a component-specific Credentials class in its "extractCredentials" method and checks it in "canHandle".
Jackrabbit 2.0 changed the AbstractLoginModule to reject Credentials classes other than SimpleCredentials and GuestCredentials. As a result, by default "getCredentials" will return null if an AuthenticationHandler supplied any other implementation.
A superclass of DefaultLoginModule has two ways around this: to override getCredentials() or to override supportCredentials(). Currently, Sling's PluggableDefaultLoginModule overrides getCredentials but does so only to allow for Sling's TrustedCredentials class.
Either the PluggableDefaultLoginModule should let LoginModulePlugin implementations use their own Credentials classes (by doing the usual loop around "canHandle(creds)"), or the restriction should be documented and the OpenID extension changed.