Creates an initially empty sis-metadata module. The module intend is to implements GeoAPI interfaces derived from the ISO 19115 standard.
This patch modifies the sis-parent/pom.xml file for adding dependency management items for GeoAPI 3.0.0 (for now, maybe we would depend on a milestone later). In order to ensure version consistency, this patch does not only manage GeoAPI dependencies. It also import the GeoAPI <dependencyManagement> section, using the Maven <scope>import</scope> functionality. This has the effect of importing three dependency management items:
- Units of measurement (currently JSR-275, but this project is dead...), under a BSD-like license.
- vecmath
- JUnit
Because of the later, this import replaces the original JUnit management. This has the side-effect of increasing the JUnit version from 3.8.1 to 4.8.2. The reason why we import a JUnit dependency is because we inherit that dependency from the geoapi-conformance module. geoapi-conformance "extends" JUnit by providing validators and test methods for arbitrary implementations of GeoAPI interfaces. Of course we have this dependency only in the tests, not in the library itself.