Apache SIS make two assumptions which are not valid anymore since Java 9:
- It assumes that JavaDB is available in the Java installation directory. Note that this is not true anymore even in Java 8 since latest updates (e.g. 1.8.0_191).
- It assumes that JAXB is on the classpath. This is not true anymore since Java 9.
Actions to take:
- We should remove the search for JavaDB in org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.sql.Initializer.forJavaDB lines 511 to 525.
- We need to make above method tolerant to ClassNotFoundException.
- We should add Derby dependency with runtime scope in sis-console.
- We need to add JAXB-API dependency in a Java 11 profile of root pom.xml file.
In addition of making sure that JUnit tests pass, we also need to test sis-console command-line application and sis-openoffice add-in.