Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
0.4, 0.5
ISO 19162 requires that we restrict to the following characters in all quoted texts except in REMARKS elements:
A-Z a-z 0-9 _ [ ] ( ) { } < = > . , : ; + - (space) % & ' " * ^ / \ ? | °
They are ASCII codes 32 to 125 inclusive except ! (33), # (35), $ (36), @ (64) and ` (96), plus the addition of ° (176). In particular, the specification recommends:
- to use (P, L) as the transliteration of the Greek letters (phi, lambda) in axis abbreviations, or alternatively (B, L) or (lat, long),
- to use (U) as a replacement for (theta) in polar coordinate system,
- to use (U,V) as replacements for (phi, theta) in spherical coordinate system.
Those restrictions are currently not enforced in SIS.
Update (May 2015): newly added Transliterator class now handle some (not all) of those cases.