New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Apache SIS needs a class for reading Shapefiles, and an other class for writing Shapefiles. The Shapefiles specification is available there:
At the time of writing (May 2013), there is no infrastructure in Apache SIS for building such reader and writer. There is no DataStore interface, no Feature implementation, no Geometry, no CoordinateReferenceSystem. A Shapefiles reader and writer could only be a simple initial draft which is guaranteed to break compatibility in future SIS releases. If a volunteer wishes to experiment Shapefiles, it could be done as below:
- Ignore (for now) any possible generic base, since there is no DataStore interface yet. API would be specific to the Shapefiles reader and writer.
- Use (for now) java.util.Map instead of Feature, since the later are not yet available.
- Use (for now) directly the ESRI open source geometry library, since there is no ISO geometries in SIS yet.
- Ignore coordinate reference systems.
Of course all the above would need to be revisited in incompatible way as more SIS services become available.