New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Invalid
I have propose to add gadgets.views.View#checkType() function. This proposal is written in following entry:
In some containers based on apache shindig, the result of the
gadgets.views.View#getName() function is not equal to the constant
value defined by gadgets.views.ViewType class. In particular, the
result of the gadgets.views.View#getName() on the canvas view is
"canvas" written in the config/container.js file, and the constant
value of ViewType.CANVAS is defined as "CANVAS" in the features/views/
views.js file.
Therefore, in current version of opensocial, we cannot confirm which
view type is this view using getName() function. But, fortunately, it
will be able to ensure that "CANVAS" and "canvas" is same, because
each view can have some aliases.
My proposal is to add the following function for checking view type.
I made this implementation. Please commit this patch if this proposal is accepted.