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  1. Shindig
  2. SHINDIG-1380

Sample Container RPC Javascript Errors



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.0.0-RC2
    • Javascript
    • None
    • Linux Server
      Firefox 3.0 browser with Firebug installed
      Shindig SVN revision 962749


      Several Javascript errors are present in the browser while starting the Sample Container and custom containers derived from it.

      Both of these errors are related to the initialization and configuration of the RPC libraries. I have attached two patch files that correct these issues.

      The first patch, (gadget-rpc-transport-container-init.patch), disables initialization of jsonrpctransport.js and gadgetsrpctransport.js in the container context. The code in these scripts used to assume that gadgets.config variable would only appear in gadgets and not the container. This changed late in 2009 and is no longer the case. This patch adds some gadgets.config flags via feature scripts that can be used reliably to determine whether in a gadget or container context. These flags are then used to enable/disable RPC initialization.

      The second patch, (container-osapi-handle-gadget-rpc-method.patch), again includes the osapi.js portion of the shindig.container that implements the missing osapi._handleGadgetRpcMethod handler in feature.xml. It also cleans up some other related issues with the use of container.listMethods dynamic configuration, (i.e. it no longer attempts to rebind osapi.newBatch or osapi.container.listMethods).


        1. gadget-rpc-transport-container-init.patch
          5 kB
          W. Randall Watler
        2. container-osapi-handle-gadget-rpc-method.patch
          2 kB
          W. Randall Watler



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            rwatler W. Randall Watler
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