Status: In Progress
Resolution: Unresolved
jsf 1.1, commons-validator 1.3.1
A mail at user mailing list exists about this issue:
ValidatorScript class is generating scripts only for (editable AND rendered AND [not disabled or readonly]) fields... this is ok.. issue is; if i put a validator for a component comforming above conditions but inside a parent component not comforming above condition, it's still generating scripts for that field... but when parent not rendered, my child component won't be rendered too. In this case, generated scripts throw javascript errors since they can not find the related field to validate...
Suppose i have a text box with a validator inside... if i use this textbox directly, it should generate validation script for this field... But if i put this textbox inside a NOT RENDERED panel, it shouldn't generate validation scripts for my textbox... like below case;
<h:panelGroup rendered="false"> // child components won't be rendered because parent's not rendered
<h:inputText id="txt_name" ....>
<s:commonsValidator type="required" arg="Name" server="true" client="true" />