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  1. Shale
  2. SHALE-217

Not possible to pass dynamically information from a beans as a shale method parameter.



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
    • 1.0.3
    • Core
    • None
    • Software platform.


      Some notes. I forget to tell.

      It is perfectly working with constans ...
      <s:validatorVar name="operationID" value="Testing"/>

      ,not with beans ...
      <s:validatorVar name="operationID"


      Second line pass to a custom validator method just a null.

      ----Original Message----
      From: Iakouchev Alexander-EAL027C
      Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:29 AM
      To: user@shale.apache.org
      Subject: RE: Is this possible to pass dynamically information from a beans as a shale method parameter?

      Hello Craig!
      Thank you for feedback.

      I want to be more specific. I need validate all rows in "dataTable"
      component. JSP page show list of "Foo" objects. For example, the inputText component with id="--" has shale custom validate. I need analyze dependency component id="-" row i from component id="--" row 0...n.

      In other words I need pass some current row id to get by id real object.
      <s:validatorVar name="operationID"


      This valuator does not works. It receive operationID equal null. But outputText shown some not null information.
      <t:outputText value="#



      The Shale validator example show some solution with dynamic shale method parameter, but it is with standard validator example not a custom validator.

      ----Original Message----
      From: craigmcc@gmail.com craigmcc@gmail.com On Behalf Of Craig McClanahan
      Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:45 PM
      To: user@shale.apache.org
      Subject: Re: Is this possible to pass dynamically information from a beans as a shale method parameter?

      On 7/12/06, Iakouchev Alexander-EAL027C <EAL027C@motorola.com> wrote:
      > Is this possible to pass dynamically information from a beans as a
      > shale method parameter?
      > Alex.

      In JSF 1.1, you cannot do this (it's not a Shale issue, it's the basic functionality of JSF method binding expression). In JSF 1.2, you can ...
      but only for calls to static methods.

      A better general strategy is to invoke a method that takes no parameters, but ensure that the called method can extract whatever it needs. For example, consider the standard JSF call to your action method (which takes no parameters). There are at least two ways for the called method to access request parameters on the incoming request:

      • Via JSF programmatic APIs:

      // Retrieve the value of the "foo" parameter
      FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
      String foo = (String)


      • By managed beans expression evaluation. This example requires
        a bit more setup to configure, but is much easier to use because
        the values are injected for you. Consider again that you want to
        extract the value of the "foo" parameter and use it in your myAction()
        action method. Define your managed bean entry like this:



      and set up your bean class like this:

      package com.mypackage;
      public class MyBean {
      private String foo = null;
      public String getFoo() { return this.foo; }
      public void setFoo(String foo) { this.foo = foo; }
      public String myAction() { // Get the value of the "foo" request parameter String foo = getFoo(); ... }

      The formula #{param.foo}

      is evaluated when the managed bean is created, and extracts the value of the request parameter named "foo" and calls
      setFoo() on your bean. By the time the action method is called, the value will be there already.





            gvanmatre@comcast.net Gary VanMatre
            alexyakushev Alex Yakushev
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