Description is an element of the shale-clay.dtd. Currently it is used to document components, attributes, symbols, etc., but is not digested by the ClayXmlParser. It would be beneficial for design time tooling to have the option to create an instance of the ClayXmlParser that would digest these descriptions and associate them with their corresponding meta-beans.
I believe that the solution to this would be to add a description property to the meta-beans and add the digester rules necessary to populate this attribute during the parse. The default would be to not parse descriptions, but a design time tool could turn the parsing on.
This solution may also involve adding some sort of SymbolBean akin to AttributeBean in order to hold the description attribute. Currently symbol metadata is parsed into a HashMap of name-value pairs. This leaves no place to store the description. Attribute metadata on the other hand is stored in AttributeBeans which along with the other meta beans allow for a place to hold the description.