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  1. Shale
  2. SHALE-185

@Value is too restrictive on naming



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
    • 1.0.3
    • Tiger
    • None
    • Windows XP sp3, Weblogic 9.1, MyFaces 1.1.3


      We use a prefix convention for our member variables. All private member fields being with 'm_'. For example, in my managed bean, I have a private field m_fileId with getFileId() and setFileId() methods.

      This works fine when I use the faces-config.xml to configure my beans, because I just say the property-name is "fileId". This doesn't work for Shale-Tiger - I get an exception because there is no setter for m_fileId. As far as I know, the Java Beans spec doesn't mandate the name of the private variable, just the getters and setters.

      Shale-Tiger should be more flexible to support this.

      Here are three possible solutions:

      1) The @Value annotation should take an optional property field to allow me to specify the property the field corresponds to. E.g.


      {param.fileId}", property="fileId")
      private Long m_fileId;

      2) The @Value annotation could be applied to methods or fields (much like JPA annotations). E.g.:

      public void setFileId(Long fileId)

      { this.m_fileId = fileId; }

      3) I specify some mapping rules somewhere that define all member fields begin with "m_", so the annotation processor should handle that. That is similar to what Eclipse does. You can configure field prefixes, and then the tool automatically handles those when generating getters and setters.




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            adambrod Adam Brod
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