New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
RS_Intersects(raster, geom) Returns true if the envelope of the raster intersects the given geometry. If the geometry does not have a defined SRID, it is considered to be in the same CRS with the raster. If the geometry has a defined SRID, the geometry will be transformed to the CRS of the raster before the intersection test.
RS_Intersects is for easier fetching rasters in the region of interest from a dataframe containing rasters in various coordinate reference systems. RS_Intersects is deliberately defined differently from ST_Intersects in PostGIS:
- RS_Intersects performs implicit CRS transformations, which has a different semantics from ST_Intersects in PostGIS.
- RS_Intersects uses the envelope of rasters rather than the convex hull. We may switch to use convex hull once we find an easy way to compute the footprint of grid coverage using GeoTools.
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