Status: Done
Resolution: Done
The current choice of the metadata storage - MySQL - served well for the production usage, but running the DBMS, creating database and tables, configuring the JDBC, etc. has not been transparent to the users, and most importantly, is not documented anywhere.
In order for the users to be able to just download and run s2graph, it is desirable to use the metadata storage without setting up a separate MySQL server, at least for the first run. We should then recommend MySQL or similar for production usage.
Derby, H2 and HSQL are popular choices for an embedded database in JVM, and we should figure out the most appropriate choice for us.
As a side note, currently the only way to get the schema is to hack on the Vagrant image. This should also be made transparent and manageable somehow. For example, Hive metastore's schema is being managed using a schema and upgrade SQLs