New Feature
Status: Done
Resolution: Done
S2GRAPH-172 is good to start point for supporting GraphQL, but miss few important APIs for creating vertex schema and write
Suggest adding following APIS.
1. createServiceColumn
mutation { createServiceColumn( serviceName:wiki, columnName:"user", columnType: string, props: [ { name: "name", dataType:string, defaultValue: "-" }, { name: "age", dataType:int, defaultValue: "-1" }, { name: "gender", dataType:string, defaultValue: "-"} ] ) { isSuccess } }
the user may check if 'user' serviceColumn has been created correctly.
query { Services(name: wiki) { serviceColumns { name, props { id, name, dataType } } } }
note that serviceColumn is nested under service. also, properties on 'user' vertex can be suggested through graphiQL according to the schema.
2. addVertex
mutation { addVertex( wiki:{ user:{ id:"steamshon", props:{ name: "aha", age: 30, gender: "M" } } } ) { isSuccess } }
note that props can be suggested through graphiQL.
3. addVertexBulk
mutation { addVertexBulk( serviceName: wiki, columnName: user, id: "steamshon", timestamp: 1, props: { name: "aha", age: 30, gender: "M" } ) { isSuccess } }
Not required, but simple helper for bulk load use cases.
Once the mutation is done, vertex query can be executed as follow.
query { wiki: { user(id: "steamshon") { name, age } } }
One thing needs more discussion is the case with vertex and edge in the query.
query { wiki: { user(id: "steamshon") { friends { to } name, age } } }
above query means return vertex id steamshon with its name, age property on it and return all friends' id(in this case to means vertex id). this requires one getVertex and getEdges call to the backend.
query { wiki: { user(id: "steamshon") { name, age, friends { to { id, name } post { to { id } } } } } }
the last query need to return steamshon's friends's name, age property which is vertex property. This requires one getEdges call and # of edges return times getVerex call to the backend.
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