Uploaded image for project: 'Commons RNG'
  1. Commons RNG
  2. RNG-97




    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Implemented
    • 1.3
    • 1.3
    • client-api, core
    • None


      A feature of random number generators is their internal state is updated for every generation of a new random number. This is a single step. Some generators have the ability to compute the update to the state that is required to advance n steps. This is a jump. This can be supported using a new interface:

       * Applies to generators that can be advanced a large number of 
       * steps of the output sequence in a single operation.
      public interface JumpableUniformRandomProvider
          extends UniformRandomProvider {
           * Creates a copy of the UniformRandomProvider and advances the
           * state of the copy. The state of the current instance is not altered. 
           * The state of the copy will be advanced an equivalent of {@code n}
           * sequential calls to a method that updates the state of the provider.
           * @return the copy with an advanced state
          JumpableUniformRandomProvider jump();

      A suggestion for how to document an implementation is:

      public class JumpableRNG implements JumpableUniformRandomProvider {
           * {@inheritDoc}
           * <p>The jump size {@code n} is the equivalent of <pre>2<sup>32</sup></pre>
           * calls to {@link UniformRandomProvider#nextLong() nextLong()}.</p>
          public JumpableUniformRandomProvider jump() {
              return ...;
          // etc.

      Notes on the interface:

      • A copy is returned
      • The original is not altered and so multiple calls to jump will return the same generator with an advanced state

      The intended use case is to create multiple copies of a RNG that will not overlap in sequence for use in parallel computations. A helper method can be added to RandomSource to facilitate this:

       * Create a series of {@code n} generators by jumping from the source generator
       * {@code n} times. The resulting set of generators can be used in parallel
       * computations with a guarantee of no sequence overlap for at least the
       * length of the jump distance.
       * <p>Note: The source generator state is not affected. Reuse of this
       * generator may overlap with output from the jump series.</p>
       * @param source The source generator.
       * @param n The size of the series.
      public static UniformRandomProvider[] createJumpSeries(
              JumpableUniformRandomProvider source, int n) {
          if (n <= 0) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size must be strictly positive");
          final UniformRandomProvider[] rngs = new UniformRandomProvider[n];
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
              source = source.jump();
              // Option to wrap the JumpableUniformRandomProvider to
              // restrict to the functionality of UniformRandomProvider
              rngs[i] = source;
          return rngs;

      Note: There is the possibility to wrap the jumped RNGs to restrict their functionality to UniformRandomProvider (or RestorableUniformRandomProvider). This prevents any of the series from being jumped again.


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              aherbert Alex Herbert
              aherbert Alex Herbert
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                Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 40m