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  1. Commons RNG
  2. RNG-55




    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Trivial
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.1
    • 1.2
    • sampling
    • None


      The UnitSphereSampler does not check for zero length dimension. This doesn't cause a fail but maybe should be raised as an error? The user will find out when they call nextVector() with an NegativeArraySizeException anyway.

      However the algorithm can fail under the extremely unlikely condition that the NormalizedGaussianSampler returns 0 for each dimension. This is more likely when using dimension==1.

      The returned vector will be Double.NaN for each dimension due to the use of 1 / Math.sqrt(0):

      // f will be Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
      final double f = 1 / Math.sqrt(normSq);
      for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
          // v will be Double.NaN as 0 * Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is Double.NaN
          v[i] *= f;

      Here is a test that demonstrates it. All it requires in the RNG to provide a long of 0 to the internal ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler:

      public void testBadRNG() {
          final UniformRandomProvider rng = new UniformRandomProvider() {
              public long nextLong(long n) { return 0; }
              public long nextLong() { return 0; }
              public int nextInt(int n) { return 0; }
              public int nextInt() { return 0; }
              public float nextFloat() { return 0; }
              public double nextDouble() { return 0;}
              public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes, int start, int len) {}
              public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes) {}
              public boolean nextBoolean() { return false; }
          UnitSphereSampler s = new UnitSphereSampler(1, rng);
          double[] v = s.nextVector();
          Assert.assertEquals(1, v.length);

      This can be fixed by an outer loop:

       * @return a random normalized Cartesian vector.
      public double[] nextVector() {
          final double[] v = new double[dimension];
          // Pick a point by choosing a standard Gaussian for each element,
          // and then normalize to unit length.
          double normSq = 0;
          while (normSq == 0) {
              for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
                  final double comp = sampler.sample();
                  v[i] = comp;
                  normSq += comp * comp;
          final double f = 1 / Math.sqrt(normSq);
          for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
              v[i] *= f;
          return v;

      But this can then infinite loop if the NormalizedGaussianSampler always returns 0 (as for the dummy test case above).

      Q. What is the lesser evil of a vector with NaN (as with the current implementation) or never returning in an extreme edge case?

      Throwing an exception would change the API.

      Returning the vector [1,0,0,....] would fix the edge case but not alert the user to a broken RNG:

       * @return a random normalized Cartesian vector.
      public double[] nextVector() {
          final double[] v = new double[dimension];
          // Pick a point by choosing a standard Gaussian for each element,
          // and then normalize to unit length.
          double normSq = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
              final double comp = sampler.sample();
              v[i] = comp;
              normSq += comp * comp;
          if (normSq == 0) {
              // Extreme edge case
              if (dimension != 0)
                  v[0] = 1;
              return v;
          final double f = 1 / Math.sqrt(normSq);
          for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
              v[i] *= f;
          return v;

      This is all extremely unlikely however I noticed as I was reviewing new classes in V1.1 and saw this problem that I have hit before in a random walk simulation.


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