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  1. River (Retired)
  2. RIVER-57

want to register for events with a transaction manager



    • New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • jtsk_2.1
    • None
    • com_sun_jini_mahalo
    • None


      It would be very nice if the Transaction Manager could generate RemoteEvents
      when transactions abort or commit. This way, an object that is not taking place
      in a transaction could be notified when a transaction completes either way and
      take appropriate action.

      The particular reason I want this is that I am designing a system to run jobs
      in a distributed environment. I have a server that puts jobs into a queue (a
      javaspace). Hosts that can run the job are notified when this happens, bid on
      the job, and the winner takes it. The jobs take an undetermined amount of time
      and MUST complete. My solution to this part is to make the take the first part
      of the transaction and when the job completes, put another object in the space
      that is the end of the transaction. The host will renew the lease on the
      transaction until the job is done. If the host or the network goes down, the
      lease will expire and the transaction will abort and the job will be back in
      the space. The job server needs to know when this happens so it can take
      appropriate action. It can't just listen for jobs being put in the queue since
      they are continually being put there anyway and doing some type of checking
      would have too much over head.

      Like I said, the ideal solution would be if the job server could register with
      the Transaction Manager and get notified when the transaction aborted. Then it
      would be a simple matter to fish the job out of the space and take corrective




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            waldo James Waldo
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