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  1. River (Retired)
  2. RIVER-419

ServiceDiscoveryManager lookup qa TCK tests need to be reviewed



    • TCK Challenge
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • River_3.0.0
    • qa
    • None


      Copied from list discussion:

      I agree, I think we need to review this TCK test against the specification.

      I suspect more than one person created this test, perhaps there was confusion; at some point
      the resolution was changed to seconds (before Apache River's time).

      This meant if insufficient ServiceItem's are found, lookup could return up to 3 seconds early
      or 30 seconds later than the waitDur (specified in ms). This seems unreasonable, if the method
      waits that 3 seconds, it might find more ServiceItems.

      On the other hand if sufficient ServiceItems are found, it checks they return as soon as possible
      by confirming the number of services returned. To pass on this occassion, the test must return
      more than one second prior to waitDur's expiry. This also seems unreasonable, one because
      another thread may obtain the monitor first (if so it finds more than minMatches) and two
      because it should pass if it returns in the waitDur time window.

      I think the ms time ranges you've mentioned are more appropriate, they are achievable in practise
      (I checked).

      I'll submit a patch for review.


      ----- Original message -----
      > Hi Peter:
      > I'd certainly apply some tolerance band to the test result. Failing for
      > 3 ms difference is unreasonable. I'd expect probably 50-100ms
      > variance. The ms clock isn't assumed to be that accurate. Matter of
      > fact, waiting for a task switch could cause at least that much variance.
      > Cheers,
      > Greg.
      > On Tue, 2013-05-07 at 06:17, Peter Firmstone wrote:
      > > This test smells broken?
      > >
      > > I modified the output to read in milliseconds.
      > >
      > > Relevant ServiceDiscoveryManager method under test:
      > >
      > > public ServiceItem[] lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl,
      > >
      int minMatches,
      > >
      int maxMatches,
      > >
      ServiceItemFilter filter,
      > >
      long waitDur)
      > >
      throws InterruptedException,
      > >


      > >
      > >
      > >
      > > To summarise what's happens (occassionally):
      > >
      > > CASE 1:
      > >
      > > * ServiceDiscoveryManager.lookup is called and blocks waiting until
      > > it receives the minimum number of ServiceItems.
      > > * If the required number of ServiceItem's are discovered late, the
      > > waitDur limit will be approached when lookup returns.
      > > o The resolution of the test is to the nearest second,
      > > millisecond.
      > >
      > >
      > > Firstly I don't believe this is the intent of the Jini Standard
      > > SD4.1.3 The blocking feature of lookup, which states:
      > >
      > > As noted above, each category contains a version of |lookup|
      > > that provides a feature in which the entity can request that
      > > the number of service references found throughout the available
      > > lookup services does not fall into a desired range, the method
      > > will wait a finite period of time until either an acceptable
      > > minimum number of service references are discovered or the
      > > specified time period has passed.
      > >
      > >
      > > In this case the specified time period hasn't quite passed, however
      > > an acceptable minimum number of service references are returned and
      > > the test fails. This failure is rare.
      > >
      > >
      > > CASE 2:
      > >
      > > * 3. while lookup() is blocking, if enough
      new services are
      > > * registered so that the acceptable
      minimum is achieved,
      > > * lookup() will return immediately;
      that is, even if there
      > > * is more time left on the wait
      period, lookup() will not
      > > * wait for more services beyond
      the minimum.
      > > *
      > > * For example, if 3 services are
      initially registered and
      > > * lookup is called with min = 4
      and max = 7, then lookup()
      > > * will find the 3 services and
      then wait for more
      > > services to
      > > * be registered. Suppose that while
      lookup() is blocking
      > > * another 5 services are registered,
      bringing the total
      > > number
      > > * of services to 8. In this case,
      lookup() will stopping
      > > * waiting and return 4 services
      (the minimum), not the
      > > * maximum 7.
      > >
      > > While the test performs this check, it isn't implemented in
      > > ServiceDiscoveryManager, instead it's left up to chance that the lookup
      > > method, waiting on an object monitor will obtain the monitor as soon as
      > > it's notified. However if multiple threads contend for the lock, it's
      > > very unlikely the thread scheduler will give the object monitor to the
      > > waiting thread, instead the most recently blocking thread is likely to
      > > get the monitor.
      > >
      > > This requirment in the test appears to be additional to the
      > > specification and would require ServiceDiscoveryManager be modified, to
      > > use some kind of fair Lock scheme. However doing this would
      > > unnecessarily complicate ServiceDiscoveryManager, instead it would be
      > > simpler to return the number of ServiceItem's found up to the maxMatches
      > > at the time the lock is obtained.
      > >
      > > CASE 1 test results:
      > >
      > > Running com/sun/jini/test/spec/servicediscovery/lookup/LookupMinLessMax.td
      > > Time is Mon May 06 22:17:31 EST 2013
      > > Starting test in separate process with command:
      > > 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\bin\java'
      > > -Djava.security.manager=org.apache.river.api.security.CombinerSecurityManager
      > > -Djava.security.policy=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/harness/policy/defaulttest.policy
      > > -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://medusa:9082/qa1-servicediscovery-dl.jar -cp
      > > C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jiniharness.jar;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jinitests.jar;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib\jsk-platform.ja
      > > -ea -esa -client '-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\Program
      > > Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\lib\ext;C:\windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib-ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib-ext'
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.jsk.port=9080 -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.port=9081
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.jsk.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.harnessJar=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jiniharness.jar
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.testJar=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jinitests.jar
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.runjiniserver=true
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.runkitserver=true
      > > -Djava.security.properties=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/harness/trust/dynamic-policy.properties
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.testhosts=
      > > -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\src\com\sun\jini\test\resources\qa1.logging
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.test.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.test.port=9082
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.policies=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/jinitest.policy
      > > '-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\Program
      > > Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\lib\ext;C:\windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib-ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib-ext'
      > > com.sun.jini.qa.harness.MasterTest
      > > com/sun/jini/test/spec/servicediscovery/lookup/LookupMinLessMax.td
      > > com.sun.jini.qa.harness.TestException: – blocked longer than expected
      > > – requested block = 60000 millisecond(s), actual block = 59999
      > > millisecond(s)
      > > at
      > > com.sun.jini.test.spec.servicediscovery.lookup.LookupMinEqualsMax.verifyBlocking(LookupMinEqualsMax.java:288)
      > > at
      > > com.sun.jini.test.spec.servicediscovery.lookup.LookupMinEqualsMax.applyTestDef(LookupMinEqualsMax.java:120)
      > > at
      > > com.sun.jini.test.spec.servicediscovery.AbstractBaseTest.run(AbstractBaseTest.java:549)
      > > at com.sun.jini.qa.harness.MasterTest.doTest(MasterTest.java:256)
      > > at com.sun.jini.qa.harness.MasterTest.main(MasterTest.java:144)
      > >
      > > TIME: 10:20:02 PM
      > >
      > > Test process was destroyed and returned code 1
      > > com/sun/jini/test/spec/servicediscovery/lookup/LookupMinLessMax.td
      > > Test Failed: Test Failed: com.sun.jini.qa.harness.TestException: –
      > > blocked longer than expected – requested block = 60000 millisecond(s),
      > > actual block = 59999 millisecond(s)
      > >
      > > Running com/sun/jini/test/spec/servicediscovery/lookup/LookupMinLessMax.td
      > > Running com/sun/jini/test/spec/servicediscovery/lookup/LookupMinLessMax.td
      > > Time is Tue May 07 10:40:30 EST 2013
      > > Time is Tue May 07 10:40:30 EST 2013
      > > Starting test in separate process with command:
      > > Starting test in separate process with command:
      > > 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\bin\java'
      > > -Djava.security.manager=org.apache.river.api.security.CombinerSecurityManager
      > > -Djava.security.policy=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/harness/policy/defaulttest.policy
      > > -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://medusa:9082/qa1-servicediscovery-dl.jar -cp
      > > C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jiniharness.jar;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jinitests.jar;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib\jsk-platform.ja
      > > -ea -esa -client '-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\Program
      > > Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\lib\ext;C:\windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib-ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib-ext'
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.jsk.port=9080 -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.port=9081
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.jsk.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.harnessJar=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jiniharness.jar
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.testJar=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jinitests.jar
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.runjiniserver=true
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.runkitserver=true
      > > -Djava.security.properties=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/harness/trust/dynamic-policy.properties
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.testhosts=
      > > -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\src\com\sun\jini\test\resources\qa1.logging
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.test.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.test.port=9082
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.policies=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/jinitest.policy
      > > '-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\Program
      > > Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\lib\ext;C:\windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib-ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib-ext'
      > > com.sun.jini.qa.harness.MasterTest
      > > com/sun/jini/test/spec/servicediscovery/lookup/LookupMinLessMax.td
      > > 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\bin\java'
      > > -Djava.security.manager=org.apache.river.api.security.CombinerSecurityManager
      > > -Djava.security.policy=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/harness/policy/defaulttest.policy
      > > -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://medusa:9082/qa1-servicediscovery-dl.jar -cp
      > > C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jiniharness.jar;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jinitests.jar;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib\jsk-platform.ja
      > > -ea -esa -client '-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\Program
      > > Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\lib\ext;C:\windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib-ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib-ext'
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.jsk.port=9080 -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.port=9081
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.jsk.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.harnessJar=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jiniharness.jar
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.testJar=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib\jinitests.jar
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.runjiniserver=true
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.runkitserver=true
      > > -Djava.security.properties=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/harness/trust/dynamic-policy.properties
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.testhosts=
      > > -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\src\com\sun\jini\test\resources\qa1.logging
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.test.home=C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.test.port=9082
      > > -Dcom.sun.jini.qa.harness.policies=file:/C:/Users/peter/Documents/NetBeansProjects/peterConcurrentPolicy/qa/src/com/sun/jini/test/resources/jinitest.policy
      > > '-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\Program
      > > Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\lib\ext;C:\windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\qa\lib-ext;C:\Users\peter\Documents\NetBeansProjects\peterConcurrentPolicy\lib-ext'
      > > com.sun.jini.qa.harness.MasterTest
      > > com/sun/jini/test/spec/servicediscovery/lookup/LookupMinLessMax.td
      > > com.sun.jini.qa.harness.TestException: – blocked longer than expected
      > > – requested block = 60000 millisecond(s), actual block = 59997
      > > millisecond(s) wait error = 0
      > > com.sun.jini.qa.harness.TestException: – blocked longer than expected
      > > – requested block = 60000 millisecond(s), actual block = 59997
      > > millisecond(s) wait error = 0
      > > at
      > > com.sun.jini.test.spec.servicediscovery.lookup.LookupMinEqualsMax.verifyBlocking(LookupMinEqualsMax.java:288)
      > > at
      > > com.sun.jini.test.spec.servicediscovery.lookup.LookupMinEqualsMax.applyTestDef(LookupMinEqualsMax.java:120)
      > > at
      > > com.sun.jini.test.spec.servicediscovery.AbstractBaseTest.run(AbstractBaseTest.java:549)
      > > at com.sun.jini.qa.harness.MasterTest.doTest(MasterTest.java:256)
      > > at com.sun.jini.qa.harness.MasterTest.main(MasterTest.java:144)
      > >
      > >
      > >
      > >
      > > Relevant Section of Jini Specification:
      > >
      > >
      > > SD.4.1.3 The |lookup| Method
      > >
      > > The |lookup| method queries each available lookup service in the managed
      > > set for service reference(s) that match criteria defined by the entity
      > > that invokes this method. Entities typically employ this method when
      > > they need infrequent access to services and when the cost of making
      > > remote queries is outweighed by the overhead of maintaining a local
      > > cache (for example, because of resource limitations).
      > >
      > > The |lookup| method has four versions, each version falling into one of
      > > two categories: those versions of this method that return a single
      > > instance of |ServiceItem| and those versions that return a set of
      > > service references as an array of |ServiceItem| objects.
      > >
      > > Two arguments are common to all versions of this method: an instance of
      > > |ServiceTemplate| and an instance of |ServiceItemFilter|.
      > >
      > > Within each category, the versions of |lookup| differ only in whether or
      > > not a particular version provides what is referred to as a "wait" (or
      > > blocking) feature. That is, each category contains both a non-blocking
      > > version of |lookup| which returns immediately when unable to find the
      > > desired service, and a blocking version which returns only after waiting
      > > a specified amount of time for the desired service to be discovered. The
      > > particular version of |lookup| that an entity employs is typically
      > > determined by the entity's intended usage pattern.
      > >
      > > The descriptions that follow refer to all versions of the |lookup|
      > > method, except where explicitly noted.
      > >
      > > The |tmpl| argument and the |filter| argument both have semantics
      > > identical to that defined for these arguments in the description of the
      > > |createLookupCache| method above. In particular,
      > >
      > > * A |null| reference value for the |tmpl| parameter is treated as
      > > the equivalent of a "wildcarded" |ServiceTemplate|.
      > >
      > > * If |null| is the value for the |filter| parameter, only template
      > > matching will be employed to find the desired services.
      > >
      > > * The effects of modifying the contents of the |tmpl| parameter
      > > while the invocation is in progress are unpredictable and undefined.
      > >
      > > If no service can be found that matches the desired criteria, then the
      > > versions of |lookup| from the first category--those that return a single
      > > instance of |ServiceItem|--will return |null|, whereas the versions from
      > > the second category--those that return an array of |ServiceItem|
      > > instances--will return an empty array.
      > >
      > > The versions of |lookup| from the first category can be used in a
      > > fashion similar to the first form of the |lookup| method defined in the
      > > |ServiceRegistrar| interface described in the /Jini Lookup Service
      > > Specification/. That is, an entity would typically invoke one of these
      > > versions of |lookup| when it wishes to find a /single/ service reference
      > > and the particular lookup service with which that service reference is
      > > registered is unimportant to the entity.
      > >
      > > Each version of |lookup| defined in the |ServiceDiscoveryManager|
      > > differs with the corresponding version of |lookup| in |ServiceRegistrar|
      > > in the following ways:
      > >
      > > * The versions of |lookup| defined in the |ServiceDiscoveryManager|
      > > query /multiple/ lookup services (the order in which the lookup
      > > services are queried is dependent on the implementation).
      > >
      > > * The versions of |lookup| defined in the |ServiceDiscoveryManager|
      > > can apply additional selection criteria, in the form of a filter
      > > object, when deciding whether a service reference found through
      > > standard template matching should be returned to the entity.
      > >
      > > The versions of |lookup| that return an array of |ServiceItem| objects
      > > can be used in a fashion similar to the second form of |lookup| defined
      > > in the |ServiceRegistrar| interface. That is, an entity would typically
      > > invoke these versions of |lookup| when it wishes to find /multiple/
      > > service references that satisfy the input criteria. Each of the versions
      > > of |lookup| that return an array of |ServiceItem| objects takes as one
      > > of its arguments an |int| parameter, |maxMatches|, that represents the
      > > maximum number of matches that should be returned. The array returned by
      > > these methods will contain no more than |maxMatches| service references,
      > > although it may contain fewer than that number.
      > >
      > > As with the versions of |lookup| that return a single instance of
      > > |ServiceItem|, multiple queries and filtering are also notable
      > > differences between the second-category versions of this method and
      > > their counterpart in |ServiceRegistrar|.
      > >
      > > For each version of |lookup|, whenever a lookup service query returns a
      > > |null| service reference, the filter is bypassed, and the service
      > > reference is excluded from the return object. On the other hand, if the
      > > query returns a non-|null| service reference in which the associated
      > > array of attribute contains one or more |null| elements, the filter is
      > > still applied and the service reference is included in the return object.
      > >
      > > Each version of |lookup| may be confronted with duplicate references
      > > during a search for a service of interest. This is because the same
      > > service may register with more than one lookup service in the managed
      > > set. As with the cache, when a set of service references is returned by
      > > |lookup|, each service reference in the return set will be unique with
      > > respect to all other service references in the set, as determined by the
      > > |equals| method provided by each reference.
      > >
      > > If it is determined that a lookup service is unavailable (due to an
      > > exception or some other non-fatal error) while interacting with a lookup
      > > service from the managed set, all versions of |lookup| will invoke the
      > > |discard| method on the instance of |DiscoveryManagement| being employed
      > > by the |ServiceDiscoveryManager|. Doing so will result in the
      > > unavailable lookup service being discarded and made eligible for
      > > rediscovery.
      > >
      > > Recall that the propagation of modifications to a service's attributes
      > > across a set of lookup services typically occurs asynchronously. It is
      > > for this reason that while invoking |lookup| to find a set of matching
      > > services, it is possible that the set returned may contain multiple
      > > references having the same service ID with different attributes. Note
      > > that although this sort of inconsistent state can also occur if the
      > > entity employs a cache, the cache will eventually reflect the correct
      > > state.
      > >
      > > The Blocking Feature of |lookup|
      > >
      > > As noted above, each category contains a version of |lookup| that
      > > provides a feature in which the entity can request that if the number of
      > > service references found throughout the available lookup services does
      > > not fall into a desired range, the method will wait a finite period of
      > > time until either an acceptable minimum number of service references are
      > > discovered or the specified time period has passed.
      > >
      > > The versions of |lookup| providing this blocking feature each takes as
      > > one of its parameters a value of type long that represents the number of
      > > milliseconds to wait for the service to be discovered. In addition to
      > > |RemoteException| (described previously for these methods), each of
      > > these versions of |lookup| may throw an |InterruptedException|.
      > >
      > > One of these blocking versions of |lookup| implicitly uses a value of
      > > one for both the acceptable minimum and the allowable maximum number of
      > > service references to discover. The other blocking version requires that
      > > the entity specify the range through the |minMatches| and |maxMatches|
      > > parameters, respectively.
      > >
      > > Prior to blocking, each of these versions of |lookup| first queries each
      > > available lookup service in an attempt to retrieve a satisfactory number
      > > of matching services. Whether or not the method actually blocks is
      > > dependent on how many matching service references are found during the
      > > query process. Blocking occurs only if after querying /all/ of the
      > > available lookup services, the number of matching services found is less
      > > than the acceptable minimum. If the waiting period (measured from when
      > > blocking first begins) passes before that minimum number of service
      > > references is found, the method will return the service references that
      > > have been discovered up to that point. If the waiting period passes and
      > > no services have been found, |null| or an empty array (depending on the
      > > version of |lookup|) will be returned.
      > >
      > > If, after querying all of the available lookup services, the number of
      > > services found to satisfy the desired criteria is greater than or equal
      > > to the specified minimum but less than the specified maximum, the method
      > > will return the currently discovered service references without
      > > blocking. If the initial query process produces the desired maximum
      > > number of service references, the method will return the results
      > > immediately.
      > >
      > > The blocking versions of |lookup| are quite useful to entities that
      > > cannot proceed until such a service of interest is found. If a
      > > non-positive value is input to the |waitDur| argument, then the method
      > > will not wait. It will simply query the available lookup services and
      > > employ the return semantics described above.
      > >
      > > The values of the |minMatches| and |maxMatches| arguments must both be
      > > positive, and |maxMatches| must be greater than or equal to
      > > |minMatches|; otherwise, an |IllegalArgumentException| will be thrown.
      > >
      > > The blocking versions of |lookup| make a concurrency guarantee with
      > > respect to the discovery of new lookup services during the wait period.
      > > That is, while waiting for the desired service reference(s) to be
      > > discovered, if one or more of the targeted--but previously
      > > unavailable--lookup services is discovered and added to the managed set,
      > > those new lookup services will also be queried for the service(s) of
      > > interest.
      > >
      > > In addition, the blocking versions of |lookup| throw
      > > |InterruptedException|. When an entity invokes either version with valid
      > > parameters, the entity may decide during the wait period that it no
      > > longer wishes to wait the entire period for the method to return. Thus,
      > > while the method is blocking on the discovery of matching service(s), it
      > > may be interrupted by invoking the |interrupt| method from the |Thread|
      > > class. The intent of this mechanism is to allow the entity to interrupt
      > > a blocking |lookup| in the same way it would a sleeping thread.
      > >


        1. LookupMinEqualsMax.patch
          9 kB
          Peter Firmstone



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