Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Two major checkstyle issues left in our code are missing Javadoc comments and TODO comments.
We need to
1. Add missing Javadoc comments (including the ones marked as TODO Document)
2. Triage TODO comments and either remove them (if the intended action has already been done or is outdated) or find/create JIRAs for them and add links to the JIRAs to the code, so that we have a better way of tracking them.
The format of TODO comments after triage is
(or they can be removed at all if JIRA has sufficient information)
The details of what needs to be done should be put in JIRA
How to get the list of things to be documented/triaged per module:
1. run mvn checkstyle:checkstyle in .\lang\java\<module>
2. checkstyle results will be at .\lang\java\<module>\target\site\checkstyle.html (for Tang and Wake they are in corresponding sub-projects, for example, reef-tang\tang\target\site\checkstyle.html)
3. JavadocType violations correspond to missing Javadoc comments
4. Warning-level TodoComment violations are TODOs that need to be triaged, info-level are TODOs that are already triaged (as a reminder)
Once all existing violations are fixed, JavadocType and TodoComment for TODOs not followed with JIRA number will be converted to build breaks to prevent new violations creeping in. To convert them to build breaks in an individual project for each sub-task, update pom.xml with an individual checkstyle configuration of that project as shown in PR
Sub-tasks of this JIRA will track progress per module.