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  1. Ratis
  2. RATIS-646 Add Metrics for Ratis Data pipeline
  3. RATIS-647

Create metrics associated with RaftLog for RaftServer



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.4.0
    • 0.5.0
    • server
    • None


      We need the following metrics related to RaftLog and RaftLogWorker:

      raftLogSyncLatency Time taken to sync raft log
      numRaftLogSyncOps Number of Raft log sync calls with respect to time(equals no of FlushStateMacine Calls)
      raftLogSynBatchSize No of raft log entries synced with each flush call
      raftLogReadLatency Time required to read a raft log entry from actual raft log file and create a raft log entry (Raft log read latency)
      raftLogAppendLatency Total time taken to append a raft log entry (this also includes writeStateMachineData which will vary depending upon the size of the data to be written as well as external factors)
      raftLogEnqueuedTime Time of RaftLogEntry in the Raft Log Worker Queue
      raftLogQueueingDelay Time required to enqueue a raft Log entry in raft log worker queue
      raftLogSegmentLoadLatency Time required to load and process raft log segments during restart
      raftLogWorkerQueueSize Raft log worker queue size which at any time gives the no of pending log entries to be committed to the raft log.
      raftLogCacheMissCount Number of RaftLogCacheMisses 


        1. RATIS-647-000.patch
          37 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan
        2. RATIS-647-001.patch
          48 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan
        3. RATIS-647-002.patch
          49 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan
        4. RATIS-647-003.patch
          49 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan
        5. RATIS-647-004.patch
          50 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan
        6. RATIS-647-005.patch
          51 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan
        7. RATIS-647-006.patch
          51 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan
        8. RATIS-647-007.patch
          52 kB
          Aravindan Vijayan



            avijayan Aravindan Vijayan
            shashikant Shashikant Banerjee
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

