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  1. Ratis
  2. RATIS-2147

MD5 mismatch when accept snapshot



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 3.1.1
    • snapshot
    • None


      We encountered an MD5 mismatch issue in IoTDB, and after multiple investigations, we found that the digester was contaminated
      We have checked that it is not a network and disk problem
      In implementation, the received snapshot will be written to a temporary file first. If there is an md5 mismatch, we will read the data from this temporary file and use a new digest to calculate md5, but the result of this calculation is the same as the md5 hash value sent


      Use the saved corrupted file name to locate the relevant log, here to tlog.txt.snapshot.snapshot.as an example corrupt20240831-094107 _735

      Before encountering corrupt, the sender sent several consecutive snapshot installation requests to the receiver.
      The receiver successfully received some requests, and then encountered a request for corrupt, and began printing "recompute again" to start recalculating.
      After execution, the ERROR log of the rename will be printed, and the data will be read from the file and compared with the received chunk data.
      If a byte does not match, the corresponding information will be printed, but no log information will be printed, which means that the content written to the disk is the same as the content sent

      This makes the problem very clear. There is a problem with the MD5 calculation class, and the reasons are as follows:
           If a byte in the middle of the data part is incorrect due to network reasons, the calculated result and the hash sent must be different
          If there is a problem with the part that stores the hash value, the final calculation result will also be different.

      I suggest creating a new digest every time follower receive a snapshot, so as to avoid pollution problems. Under normal network and disk conditions, Corrupt will not occur


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                Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 5h 20m
                  5h 20m