Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Presently RAT emits all excludes to Maven logs at info level:
[INFO] --- apache-rat-plugin:0.12:check (default) @ jclouds-resources --- [INFO] Enabled default license matchers. [INFO] Will parse SCM ignores for exclusions... [INFO] Finished adding exclusions from SCM ignore files. [INFO] 61 implicit excludes (use -debug for more details). [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/*.sh [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/*.bat [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/*.cmd [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/*.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/*.gz [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/*.xml [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/*.crt [INFO] Exclude: src/test/resources/html/*.html [INFO] Exclude: **/services/*LoggingModule [INFO] Exclude: **/services/*ApiMetadata [INFO] Exclude: **/services/*ProviderMetadata [INFO] Exclude: **/LICENSE.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/header.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/NOTICE.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/DISCLAIMER [INFO] Exclude: **/BUILD.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/CHANGES.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/ [INFO] Exclude: **/README.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/DEPENDENCIES [INFO] Exclude: **/ [INFO] Exclude: **/*json [INFO] Exclude: **/*readme [INFO] Exclude: **/test [INFO] Exclude: **/ [INFO] Exclude: **/src/test/resources/**/ssh-*.pub [INFO] Exclude: **/target/** [INFO] Exclude: **/test-output/** [INFO] Exclude: **/bin/** [INFO] Exclude: **/.settings/** [INFO] Exclude: **/.classpath [INFO] Exclude: **/.dir-locals.el [INFO] Exclude: **/.project [INFO] Exclude: **/.idea/** [INFO] Exclude: **/*.iml [INFO] Exclude: **/*.eml [INFO] Exclude: **/*.ipr [INFO] Exclude: **/*.iws [INFO] Exclude: **/*.DS_STORE [INFO] Exclude: **/TAGS [INFO] Exclude: **/.metadata/** [INFO] Exclude: **/atlassian-ide-plugin.xml [INFO] Exclude: **/.DS_Store [INFO] Exclude: .mailmap [INFO] Exclude: .git/** [INFO] Exclude: **/.gitignore [INFO] Exclude: **/.gitattributes [INFO] Exclude: **/.java-version [INFO] Exclude: **/modernizer_exclusions.txt [INFO] Exclude: **/.factorypath [INFO] Exclude: **/.apt_generated/** [INFO] Exclude: **/.checkstyle [INFO] Exclude: nb-configuration.xml [INFO] Exclude: nbactions.xml [INFO] Exclude: .repository/** [INFO] Exclude: gc.log [INFO] 2 resources included (use -debug for more details) [INFO] Rat check: Summary over all files. Unapproved: 0, unknown: 0, generated: 0, approved: 2 licenses.
Instead it should log a summary to info and individual statistics to debug like it does for includes.