Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Testing the shared durable subscription functionality against Qpid Broker-J I found that if I attempted to unsubscribe a shared durable subscription from client A, while still having an active consumer from client B, then no exception was thrown in client A.
The protocol trace from the client A is as follows:
[362461018:0] -> Attach{name='myDurableSub|global', handle=0, role=RECEIVER, sndSettleMode=UNSETTLED, rcvSettleMode=FIRST, source=null, target=Target{address='null', durable=NONE, expiryPolicy=SESSION_END, timeout=0, dynamic=false, dynamicNodeProperties=null, capabilities=null}, unsettled=null, incompleteUnsettled=false, initialDeliveryCount=null, maxMessageSize=null, offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=[shared, global], properties=null} [362461018:0] <- Attach{name='myDurableSub|global', handle=0, role=SENDER, sndSettleMode=UNSETTLED, rcvSettleMode=FIRST, source=Source{address='topic', durable=CONFIGURATION, expiryPolicy=NEVER, timeout=0, dynamic=false, dynamicNodeProperties=null, distributionMode=copy, filter=null, defaultOutcome=Modified{deliveryFailed=true, undeliverableHere=null, messageAnnotations=null}, outcomes=[amqp:accepted:list, amqp:released:list, amqp:rejected:list], capabilities=[global, shared, topic]}, target=Target{address='null', durable=NONE, expiryPolicy=SESSION_END, timeout=0, dynamic=false, dynamicNodeProperties=null, capabilities=null}, unsettled={}, incompleteUnsettled=false, initialDeliveryCount=0, maxMessageSize=null, offeredCapabilities=[SHARED-SUBS], desiredCapabilities=null, properties={}} [362461018:0] -> Detach{handle=0, closed=true, error=null} [362461018:0] <- Detach{handle=0, closed=true, error=Error{condition=amqp:resource-locked, description='There are consumers on Queue 'qpidsub_/_global__/myDurableSub_/durable'', info=null}} [362461018:0] -> Close{error=null} [362461018:0] <- Close{error=null}
While the broker is sending back a detach with closed=true (which is essentially accurate) it is also providing an error. The JMS API docs have this to say:
It is erroneous for a client to delete a durable subscription while there is an active (not closed) consumer for the subscription, or while a consumed message is part of a pending transaction or has not been acknowledged in the session.
So I presume we should be triggering off the fact that the broker sent detach contains an error to throw an appropriate JMSException