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  1. Qpid
  2. QPID-6932

Enhance model object to expose key JVM statistics such as heap memory, garbage collection




      Removal of the JMX interface removes the ability of the user to conveniently monitor key JVM statistics such as heap utilisation, garbage collection statistics.
      The Broker model should be enhanced to include such information as below:

      Name Type Description
      lastOpenedTime Derived Attribute Last opening time for CO
      numberOfLiveThreads Statistic Number of live threads
      maximumHeapMemorySize Derived Attribute Maximum heap size
      usedHeapMemorySize Statistic Size of used memory
      maximumDirectMemorySize Derived Attribute Maximum direct memory size which can be consumed by broker
      usedDirectMemorySize Statistic Size of used direct memory
      totalDirectMemoryCapacity Statistic Total capacity of direct memory allocated for the Broker process
      jvmMemoryUsed<pool name> Statistic Usage of memory by particular memory pool
      jvmMemoryMaximum<pool name> Derived Attribute Maximum size of memory pool
      jvmGCCollectionTime<GC name> Statistic Aggregated time taken (ms) by GC to perform collections
      jvmGCCollectionCount<GC name> Statistic Aggregated number of GC collections
      numberOfObjectPendingFinalization Statistic Number of objects pending finalization
      jvmArguments Derived Attribute JVM arguments specified on startup
      performCG Operation Initiates garbage collection
      String getStackTraces(boolean appendToLog) Operation Collects thread stack traces for all threads and dump them into logs if requested
      String findStackTraces(String threadNameMatchExpression) Operation Collects thread stack traces for threads with name matching fiven RegExp
      setJVMOptions(Map<String,String> options) Operation Sets given key-value pairs as JVM options
      dumpHeap(String, boolean) Operation Collects heap dump




            orudyy Alex Rudyy
            kwall Keith Wall
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            4 Start watching this issue

