The BDB HA node discoverer is used by the BDBHAVHN to determine the state of the other nodes in the group. The information is presented on the UI so that the Operator has a complete picture of the group.
There was an issue found during the HA acceptance test that deliberately forms a network partition around the a master node. It was seen that the state of the group when observed from the other nodes was incorrect: the group appeared to have two masters - both the newly elected master and the original master.
The underlying issue was the monitoring itself. JE DbPing hangs indefinitely whilst trying to connect to the target node. If the packets are lost (as is the case during our test which uses iptables DROP), then it hangs indefinitely. This behaviour meant the the node discoverer (ReplicatedEnvironmentFacade.RemoteNodeStateLearner#discoverNodeStates) returned no map entry for the partitioned node and thus caused the stale value to linger on the UI.