Trying to use a command such using the new argument fails in the following manner.
Y:\src\qpid\qpid\java\build>.\bin\qpid-server.bat --initial-config-path Y:\ha_test\config.json --config-property nodenum=5
Warning: Qpid classpath not set. CLASSPATH set to Y:\src\qpid\qpid\java\build\li
Info: QPID_JAVA_GC not set. Defaulting to JAVA_GC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
Info: QPID_JAVA_MEM not set. Defaulting to JAVA_MEM -Xmx1024m
Exception during startup: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Configuration property argument is not of the format name=value: nodenum
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Configuration property argument is not of the format name=value: nodenum
at org.apache.qpid.server.Main.execute(
at org.apache.qpid.server.Main.<init>(
at org.apache.qpid.server.Main.main(
It appears to be related to the processing of the argument list by the qpid-server.bat file. It is choking on arguments containing =.
User can workaround by providing the property values as system properties (e.g via QPID_OPTS: set QPID_OPTS="-Dname=value"), or by invoking the Main class directly without the qpid-server.bat script.