Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Continuing issue QPID-3476.
1) Further reducing the timer warning message log level.
Between 0.12 and 0.13 timer warning messages were demoted from warning to informational log levels. In 0.19 the external store produces overrun info messages every time leading to log file bloat.
The proposal here is to demote the information statements to debug statements for the same reasons that they were demoted from warnings:
"Demoting the warnings to debug statements would avoid undue alarm and prevent excess noise in log files. Should there be a need to see the information it is a lot easier to enable it (--log-enable debug+:Timer) than it is to turn it off at present."
2) Increasing the timer warning interval.
Another consideration is to change the hard-coded five second warning interval to something longer. I suggest that one minute would be a good choice. The timer warning code already accumulates the number of warnings for the warning interval to prevent a flood of warnings. Increasing the warning interval further reduces the flood.
3) Performance improvement.
When Issue 3476 was patched from warning to info there was a corresponding QPID_LOG_TEST in Timer.cpp that was not patched. This causes the late and overrun calculations to run even though the results will never be logged.