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  1. Qpid Proton
  2. PROTON-923

[SASL] PN_TRANSPORT_ERROR event not raised



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • proton-0.10
    • proton-0.10
    • proton-c, python-binding
    • None


      I have a pyngus test that exercises the case where the client and server do not share compatible mechanisms. The purpose of the test is to check pyngus handling of this misconfiguration.

      At a high level, the SASL configuration is:

      server_props =

      {'x-server': True, 'x-sasl-mechs': 'PLAIN'}

      client_props =

      {'x-server': False, 'x-sasl-mechs': 'ANONYMOUS'}

      (these x- values are used to set the corresponding properties in proton's connection and sasl objects)

      When this test executes, I do not get a PN_TRANSPORT_ERROR proton event on the client side, although the outcome is set to indicate a failure occurred.

      Below is the debug output from the test. C1 is the server connection, C2 is the client. Note that C1 gets the PN_TRANSPORT_EVENT failure, but C2 does not:

      $ ./test-runner unit_tests.connection.APITest.test_sasl_callbacks
      unit_tests.connection.APITest.test_sasl_callbacks ........................................................................................... start
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,292 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT c1 (sasl outcome: None)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,293 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT c2 (sasl outcome: None)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,293 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT c2 (sasl outcome: None)
      [0x26e5650]:sasl error: SASL(-1): generic failure: Client mechanism not in mechanism inclusion list.
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,294 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT c1 (sasl outcome: 1)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,294 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT c2 (sasl outcome: None)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,295 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT c1 (sasl outcome: 1)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,295 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT_TAIL_CLOSED c1 (sasl outcome: 1)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,295 ERROR Connection TRANSPORT_ERROR: c1 (sasl outcome: 1)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,295 DEBUG Connection failed: Condition('amqp:connection:framing-error', 'connection aborted')
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,295 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT_HEAD_CLOSED c1 (sasl outcome: 1)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,295 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT_CLOSED c1 (sasl outcome: 1)
      2015-06-26 10:03:15,295 DEBUG Connection EVENT: PN_TRANSPORT c2 (sasl outcome: 1)
      unit_tests.connection.APITest.test_sasl_callbacks ........................................................................................... fail

      I suspect the PN_TRANSPORT_FAILURE event that is posted is not coming from the SASL failure itself, but rather from a framing error occuring on the server (which in itself is suspect, but that's a matter for a different JIRA)


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              astitcher Andrew Stitcher
              kgiusti Ken Giusti
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