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  1. Qpid Proton
  2. PROTON-2085

The minimal encoded proton message does not conform to the standard

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    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • proton-c-0.28.0
    • proton-c-future
    • proton-c
    • None


      To create the smallest "on the wire" AMQP message using proton-c:

      char *buffer[10000]'
      pn_message_t *pn_msg = pn_message();
      size_t size = 10000;
      int result = pn_message_encode(pn_msg, buffer, &size);

      results in an encoded message of 8 bytes:

      (gdb) p result
      $1 = 0
      (gdb) p size
      $2 = 8
      (gdb) x/8xb buffer
      0x60f280 <buffer>: 0x00 0x53 0x70 0x45 0x00 0x53 0x73 0x45

      The encoded message consists of:

      1) a Header section composed of a null list
      2) a Properties section composed of a null list

      Note there is no body section.

      However, from the AMQP 1.0 spec Message Format section:

      The exact structure of a message, together with its encoding, is defined by the message format. This document defines the structure and semantics of message format 0 (MESSAGE-FORMAT). Altogether a message consists of the following sections:

      Zero or one header sections.

      Zero or one delivery-annotation sections.

      Zero or one message-annotation sections.

      Zero or one properties sections.

      Zero or one application-properties sections.

      The body consists of one of the following three choices: one or more data sections, one or more amqp-sequence sections, or a single amqp-value section.

      Zero or one footer sections.

      So while the null header and property sections are legal (though unnecessary), the real issue is the lack of a body section.

      I would've expected at least a body section 0x77 containing a NULL, or a 0x76 with a NULL list.



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            kgiusti Ken Giusti




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