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  1. Qpid Proton
  2. PROTON-136

Add support for SSL session resumption




      Open SSL supports resumption of SSL sessions which by-pass the heavy SSL handshake process. This is critical for scenarios involving low powered devices especially on cellular data networks where bandwidth is precious.

      It would be great if Proton exposes this ssl resume feature to users. .

      From: rhs rschloming@gmail.com
      Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:34 AM
      To: Affan Dar
      Cc: David Ingham
      Subject: Re: SSL session resumption

      On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Affan Dar <affandar@microsoft.com> wrote:
      >>Serializing/restoring the whole session state for the messenger will work for the scenario I think.

      Ok, let's start with this step then. I'm open to providing something finer grained if there is a need, but my preference is to keep it simple for the moment.

      >>One more thing, RFC 5077 has another flavor of session resumption which openssl supports (original >>implemented as RFC 4057 back in 2007 I think). This allows us to resume sessions without carrying state >>on the server side which as you can imagine is a big deal for service vendors. Probably there is no API >>level impact if messenger handles the session state itself but just wanted to put this on your radar.

      Ok, good to know.

      Could one of you file a JIRA for this upstream? I'm trying to get things a little more organized on the process front and keep everything centralized in JIRA.



        1. PROTON-136-initial-Java-and-Python.tgz
          49 kB
          Phil Harvey
        2. ssl-patches-20121212.tar.gz
          22 kB
          Phil Harvey

        Issue Links



              philharveyonline Phil Harvey
              affandar Affan Dar
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