Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
The JSR286 spec states "Parameters specified in the query string used to create the PortletRequestDispatcher must be aggregated with the portlet render parameters and take precedence over other portlet render parameters of the same name passed to the included servlet or JSP.". This is handled incorrectly for includes as well as forwards in all portlet phases.
Failing test cases:
1) V2DispatcherTests2_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPAction_dispatch1 results:
Test Failed
Details: If the path provided to getRequestDispatcher method contains query strings, parameters specified in the query strings must be passed to the target servlet during an include. qparm1=null, qparm2=null
2) V2DispatcherTests2_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPAction_dispatch2 results:
Test Failed
Details: Parameters specified in the query strings must be aggregated with the portlet render parameters. qparm2 is null
3) V2DispatcherTests2_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPAction_dispatch3 results:
Test Failed
Details: If query string parameters have the same names as render parameter names, the query string parameters appear in the parameter values array before the render parameter values. qparm1=null, qparm2=null
(all dispatch1, dispatch2, & dispatch3 tests fail)