Callers often want to modify only the weight, size, or style of the theme font when constructing a UI. Currently, the Label skin supports this via the "fontBold", "fontItalic", and "fontSize" styles, but similar styles are not available for other text-based components (e.g. buttons), and it would be cumbersome to add them.
A more comprehensive solution would add support for a new JSON-based font encoding that callers could use as follows:
<Label text="Foo" styles="{font:{bold:true}}"/>
Instead of calling Font.decode(), the string-based font setter in LabelSkin would call a new method, org.apache.pivot.wtk.GraphicsUtilities.decodeFont(String):Font. If the string begins with a curly brace, this method would derive the font value from the theme font, applying the given properties. Otherwise, it would delegate to Font.decode().
Callers should be able to fully specify a font using this notation (i.e. support a "name" property in addition to "size", "bold", and "italic"). So, decodeFont() should work as follows:
- Get the current theme font.
- Extract name, size, bold, and italic properties from it.
- Override these values with values specified in the JSON string.
- Create a new Font instance and return it.
The existing "fontBold", "fontItalic", and "fontSize" styles in LabelSkin should be removed as part of this change.