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  1. Pivot
  2. PIVOT-249

Compile warnings [rawtypes] when built with JDK1.7



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Trivial
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
    • 1.4
    • project
    • None


      [javac] Compiling 73 source files to /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/ant-bin
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/MapAdapter.java:102: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SortedMap
      [javac] if (this.map instanceof SortedMap) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class SortedMap<K,V>
      [javac] where K,V are type-variables:
      [javac] K extends Object declared in interface SortedMap
      [javac] V extends Object declared in interface SortedMap
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/MapAdapter.java:103: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SortedMap
      [javac] return ((SortedMap) this.map).comparator();
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class SortedMap<K,V>
      [javac] where K,V are type-variables:
      [javac] K extends Object declared in interface SortedMap
      [javac] V extends Object declared in interface SortedMap
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/MapAdapter.java:112: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SortedMap
      [javac] if (this.map instanceof SortedMap) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class SortedMap<K,V>
      [javac] where K,V are type-variables:
      [javac] K extends Object declared in interface SortedMap
      [javac] V extends Object declared in interface SortedMap
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/MapAdapter.java:114: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Constructor
      [javac] Constructor constructor = this.map.getClass().getConstructor(Comparator.class);
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Constructor<T>
      [javac] where T is a type-variable:
      [javac] T extends Object declared in class Constructor
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/MapAdapter.java:116: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Map
      [javac] java.util.Map<K, V> map = (java.util.Map) constructor.newInstance(comparator);
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Map<K,V>
      [javac] where K,V are type-variables:
      [javac] K extends Object declared in interface Map
      [javac] V extends Object declared in interface Map
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/SetAdapter.java:99: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SortedSet
      [javac] if (this.set instanceof java.util.SortedSet) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class SortedSet<E>
      [javac] where E is a type-variable:
      [javac] E extends Object declared in interface SortedSet
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/SetAdapter.java:100: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SortedSet
      [javac] return ((java.util.SortedSet) this.set).comparator();
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class SortedSet<E>
      [javac] where E is a type-variable:
      [javac] E extends Object declared in interface SortedSet
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/SetAdapter.java:109: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SortedSet
      [javac] if (this.set instanceof java.util.SortedSet) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class SortedSet<E>
      [javac] where E is a type-variable:
      [javac] E extends Object declared in interface SortedSet
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/SetAdapter.java:111: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Constructor
      [javac] Constructor constructor = this.set.getClass().getConstructor(Comparator.class);
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Constructor<T>
      [javac] where T is a type-variable:
      [javac] T extends Object declared in class Constructor
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/core/src/org/apache/pivot/collections/adapter/SetAdapter.java:113: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SortedSet
      [javac] java.util.SortedSet<E> set = (java.util.SortedSet) constructor.newInstance(comparator);
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class SortedSet<E>
      [javac] where E is a type-variable:
      [javac] E extends Object declared in interface SortedSet
      [javac] 10 warnings

      [mkdir] Created dir: /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/ant-bin
      [javac] Compiling 404 source files to /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/ant-bin
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtk/DesktopApplicationContext.java:139: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Class
      [javac] new Class[]


      , handler);
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Class<T>
      [javac] where T is a type-variable:
      [javac] T extends Object declared in class Class
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtkx/WTKXSerializer.java:340: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Sequence
      [javac] if (element.value instanceof Sequence) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Sequence<T>
      [javac] where T is a type-variable:
      [javac] T extends Object declared in interface Sequence
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtkx/WTKXSerializer.java:598: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Dictionary
      [javac] if (element.value instanceof Dictionary) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Dictionary<K,V>
      [javac] where K,V are type-variables:
      [javac] K extends Object declared in interface Dictionary
      [javac] V extends Object declared in interface Dictionary
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtkx/WTKXSerializer.java:611: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Sequence
      [javac] if (element.parent.value instanceof Sequence) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Sequence<T>
      [javac] where T is a type-variable:
      [javac] T extends Object declared in interface Sequence
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtkx/WTKXSerializer.java:615: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: ListenerList
      [javac] if (element.parent.value instanceof ListenerList) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class ListenerList<T>
      [javac] where T is a type-variable:
      [javac] T extends Object declared in class ListenerList
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtkx/WTKXSerializer.java:623: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Dictionary
      [javac] if (element.value instanceof Dictionary) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Dictionary<K,V>
      [javac] where K,V are type-variables:
      [javac] K extends Object declared in interface Dictionary
      [javac] V extends Object declared in interface Dictionary
      [javac] /home/tvolkert/pivot/src/tar/apache-pivot-1.3-incubating-src/wtk/src/org/apache/pivot/wtkx/WTKXSerializer.java:833: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Class
      [javac] new Class[]


      , handler);
      [javac] ^
      [javac] missing type parameters for generic class Class<T>
      [javac] where T is a type-variable:
      [javac] T extends Object declared in class Class
      [javac] 7 warnings




            tvolkert Todd Volkert
            tvolkert Todd Volkert
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue

