I have a Pig script in which I count the number of distinct records resulting from the filter, this statement is embedded in a foreach. The number of records I get with alias TESTDATA_AGG_2 is 1.
TESTDATA = load 'testdata' using PigStorage() as (timestamp:chararray, testid:chararray, userid: chararray, sessionid:chararray, value:long, flag:int); TESTDATA_FILTERED = filter TESTDATA by (timestamp gte '1230800400000' and timestamp lt '1230804000000' and value != 0); TESTDATA_GROUP = group TESTDATA_FILTERED by testid; TESTDATA_AGG = foreach TESTDATA_GROUP { A = filter TESTDATA_FILTERED by (userid eq sessionid); C = distinct A.userid; generate group as testid, COUNT(TESTDATA_FILTERED) as counttestdata, COUNT(C) as distcount, SUM(TESTDATA_FILTERED.flag) as total_flags; } TESTDATA_AGG_1 = group TESTDATA_AGG ALL; -- count records generated through nested foreach which contains distinct TESTDATA_AGG_2 = foreach TESTDATA_AGG_1 generate COUNT(TESTDATA_AGG); --explain TESTDATA_AGG_2; dump TESTDATA_AGG_2; --RESULT (1L)
But when I do the counting of records without the filter and distinct in the foreach I get a different value (20L)
TESTDATA = load 'testdata' using PigStorage() as (timestamp:chararray, testid:chararray, userid: chararray, sessionid:chararray, value:long, flag:int); TESTDATA_FILTERED = filter TESTDATA by (timestamp gte '1230800400000' and timestamp lt '1230804000000' and value != 0); TESTDATA_GROUP = group TESTDATA_FILTERED by testid; -- count records generated through simple foreach TESTDATA_AGG2 = foreach TESTDATA_GROUP generate group as testid, COUNT(TESTDATA_FILTERED) as counttestid, SUM(TESTDATA_FILTERED.flag) as total_flags; TESTDATA_AGG2_1 = group TESTDATA_AGG2 ALL; TESTDATA_AGG2_2 = foreach TESTDATA_AGG2_1 generate COUNT(TESTDATA_AGG2); dump TESTDATA_AGG2_2; --RESULT (20L)
Attaching testdata