Pig Script to store a text file into ORC with Snappy compression enabled fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/iq80/snappy/Snappy
The hive-exec jar which comes with Pig does not have snappy jars whereas the hive-exec jar comes with hive has that.
[root@prabhuSpark3 lib]# jar tvf /usr/hdp/ | grep iq80 [root@prabhuSpark3 lib]# [root@prabhuSpark3 lib]# jar tvf /usr/hdp/ | grep iq80 0 Mon Apr 25 06:49:28 UTC 2016 org/iq80/ 0 Mon Apr 25 06:49:28 UTC 2016 org/iq80/snappy/ 1577 Mon Apr 25 06:49:28 UTC 2016 org/iq80/snappy/Snappy.class
[root@prabhuSpark3 lib]# hadoop fs -cat /tmp/data hadoop,5 hive,4 pig,3 tez,2 hawq,1 MYFILE = LOAD '/tmp/data' using PigStorage(',') As (name:chararray,age:int); Store MYFILE into '/tmp/orcsnappydata' using OrcStorage('-c SNAPPY'); 2016-09-22 03:29:06,830 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.Launcher - Backend error message Error: org/iq80/snappy/Snappy 2016-09-22 03:29:06,831 [main] ERROR - ERROR 0: org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 2997: Unable to recreate exception from backed error: Error: org/iq80/snappy/Snappy 2016-09-22 03:29:06,831 [main] ERROR - 1 map reduce job(s) failed!
Register /usr/hdp/;
As part of this Bug, we want to include the Snappy jars which comes into Pig hive-exec jar.