I've found that PigStorage doesn't parse empty maps properly.
I'm using pig-0.11.0-cdh4.4.0, but reading the source code, it would be reproduced in the later versions.
An empty map in a field of a tuple is parsed as null.
empty [] nonempty [foo#bar]
A = LOAD '/tmp/test.txt' USING PigStorage(' ') AS (a:chararray, b:map[chararray]); DUMP A;
$ pig test.pig ... (empty,) (nonempty,[foo#bar])
Moreover, if the empty map is nested in a parent field, the entire field is interpreted as null.
empty (f1,[]) nonempty (f1,[foo#bar])
A = LOAD '/tmp/test.txt' USING PigStorage(' ') AS (a:chararray, (b:chararray, b:map[chararray])); DUMP A;
$ pig test.pig ... (empty,) (nonempty,(f1,[foo#bar]))
Investigating this, I've found it is because Utf8StorageConverter#consumeMap throws IOException when it receives empty map as string '[]'. It seems like always assuming there should be a content of map, more specifically '#' character.
private Map<String, Object> consumeMap(PushbackInputStream in, ResourceFieldSchema fieldSchema) throws IOException { int buf; while ((!='[') { if (buf==-1) { throw new IOException("Unexpect end of map"); } } HashMap<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ByteArrayOutputStream mOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(BUFFER_SIZE); while (true) { // Read key (assume key can not contains special character such as #, (, [, {, }, ], ) while ((!='#') { if (buf==-1) { throw new IOException("Unexpect end of map"); } mOut.write(buf); } String key = bytesToCharArray(mOut.toByteArray()); if (key.length()==0) throw new IOException("Map key can not be null");
I would appreciate if you could fix this problem.