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  1. Pig
  2. PIG-3628

When using UNION with 2 HbaseStorages, casting to chararray results in empty string



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 0.11
    • None
    • parser
    • None
    • CDH5, Centos 6



      We stumbled upon the following issue. I am wondering if anyone can help us with it. I am available for any follow up questions. Unfortunately, I am not a Java programmer, so I cannot supply a fix if this actually is a bug.

      It seems that the following issue is specific to the HbaseLoader, but I am not sure. When using any other loaders (two times PigStorage), the problem doesn't exist.

      It seems that even when we specifiy 'content:map [ chararray ] ' when loading data from HBase, and Pig is saying the schema contains chararrays, still maybe in the background those fields are bytearrays that seem to be not convertable.

      First create 2 Hbase tables:

      --hbase shell
      --hbase(main):001:0> create 'test_table1','f'
      --0 row(s) in 20.0530 seconds
      --hbase(main):002:0> create 'test_table2', 'f'
      --0 row(s) in 1.4420 seconds
      --hbase(main):008:0> put 'test_table1','1-1386066912072','f:date_created','2012-01-04T11:33:59:05321'
      --0 row(s) in 5.3380 seconds
      --hbase(main):002:0> put 'test_table2','2-1386066912074','f:date_created','2012-01-04T11:33:59:05321'
      --0 row(s) in 0.0540 seconds
      --hbase(main):003:0> quit

      – Then run the following Pig script:

      hbs1 = LOAD 'hbase://test_table1'
              USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage(
                     'f:*','-loadKey true')
                     AS ( id:bytearray, content:map[chararray]);
      hbs2 = LOAD 'hbase://test_table2'
              USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage(
                     'f:*','-loadKey true')
                     AS ( id:bytearray, content:map[chararray]);
      hbs3 = UNION hbs1, hbs2;
      hbs4 = FOREACH hbs3
      GENERATE        id as hbase_id               
                     , flatten(content#'date_created') as date_created                   
      hbs5 = FOREACH hbs4
      GENERATE        hbase_id   
                    , date_created  --without (chararray)           
                    ,  SUBSTRING( date_created,1,10) as date_created_trunc              
      DUMP hbs5;



      Expected result


      The Substring function in combination with the date_created is just for example purposes. There are several String functions that we want to be able to use.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            jvangrondelle Jochem van Grondelle
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