TOKENIZE produces a fixed named schema that results in duplicates if used more than once in the same generate statement.
We could paramenterize the schema on the name of the field being tokenized.
grunt> q = LOAD 'file' AS (source:chararray, target:chararray);
grunt> e = FOREACH q GENERATE TOKENIZE(source), TOKENIZE(target);
2012-05-09 20:18:37,235 [main] ERROR - ERROR 1108:
<line 2, column 14> Duplicate schema alias: bag_of_tokenTuples
grunt> e = FOREACH q GENERATE TOKENIZE(source) as s_entities, TOKENIZE(target) as t_entities;
grunt> describe e
e: {s_entities: {tuple_of_tokens: (token: chararray)},t_entities: {tuple_of_tokens: (token: chararray)}}